Sunday, December 14, 2008

em htiw klaw eriF

I just love that old music...

So in my tradition of getting the hell out of town for my Birthday, I took a road trip up to Twede's diner in North Bend, of Twin Peaks "RR" Fame.

Being halfway through watching the series boxset at the time, I was fully prepared for some sort of weirdness, but wasn't expecting the Tweetie Bird Rockn'Roll decor of the Diner's Remodel. The coffee was okay, but we didn't stay very long... The mountain in the background that I always thought was photoshopped in actually is there, and we did see some logging trucks on the way there. I might have seen "Bob" in the bathroom mirror, but it could have just been some creepy dude looking in the window. I get confused when I don't take my injections.

We finished the last episode tonight. Creepy. Makes me want to redecorate my room, I think I can paint the floor op-art style, but does anyone know where I can get about an acre of red velvet curtain? Maybe Devil's Point will have a rummage sale one of there days...

1 comment:

wonmillion said...

you can borrow my red curtains anytime girl.